Complete Character List
Listing for maximum number of players. Smaller games do not include all characters.

Aubrey Smyth
New owner of the haunted house in the grounds of the ruined Myddlemoor Abbey. Dressed in evening wear as the host.
Robin Abbott
Eager assistant to Bibi. Covered in bags, pouches and a utility belt, Robin has everything to hand that Bibi might ask for.
Noel McKenna
A Reporter from the Myddlemoor Gazette. Ready for all weathers in a mac and hat and always carrying their trusty notepad.
Morgan Hunter
Lindsay's sibling copies everything Lindsay does. Morgan is dressed for a party, not sitting around in the dark.
Lindsay Hunter
One of the grown-up children from a local farm. Dressed less for ghost-hunting and more for a party.
Francis Bishop
The Warden of Myddlemoor Church. Always dresses in black so is sometimes mistaken for the Vicar.
Drew Plowright
Drew is one of the workers from "Marigold Farm". Drew came straight from work so is dressed in overalls or dungarees.
Cary Clark
Keen investigator from the Psychic Science Laboratory. Tries too hard to look the part, and ends up looking like they're on safari.
Brice Braby
Known as Bibi, Brice is an experienced ghost-hunter working for the Psychical Research Society. Very scruffy and ready to crawl around dark corners.