Murder at Myddlemoor Manor

Murder at Myddlemoor Manor

  • Players: 6
  • Theme: Blackmail, Soap Opera, Betrayal, Country Life, 1920's / 1930's, Revenge
  • Type: Dinner Party Games
It's the 1920's and the Myddlemoor Village Fete Committee are holding one of their regular meetings at the Manor. Cecille Clemthorpe, the daughter of the Lord of the Manor, has invited her fiance, Gerald Smythe-Peterson, to join them. She felt it would be a good time to introduce him to everyone. Her plan goes badly wrong when the body of her fiance is discovered in the library. Somebody in Myddlemoor had it in for the mysterious stranger, but who and why?

Complete Character List


Charles Clemthorpe

The Lord of the Manor. Charles owns the estate around Myddlemoor and with his tweed suit he looks every bit the country gentleman.

Ron Atkins

The local farmer on the Myddlemoor estate. A bit of a rogue but always ready to help his friends. Rarely gets out of his working clothes.

Rev. Fabian Montague

The local Vicar. Always dressed in black and ready to give a blessing or piece of advice when he feels his parishioners need guidance.

Cecille Clemthorpe

Charles daughter and fianc of the deceased. Cecille is always in the latest fashion and looks forward to becoming Lady of the Manor.

Marjorie Thorpe

The Postmistress. Dresses in a business-like fashion to emphasise her position of authority, and has an eye on everyone and everything.

Beverley Clegg

The housekeeper/butler at Myddlemoor Manor. Always ready to clean something or whip up a batch of their famous bakewell tarts.

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How To Play A Dinner Party Murder Mystery

Our dinner party games are designed to be played by the combination of players listed on the game. Some require a specific number of male and female players, some have interchangeable players. When considering what game to buy you should think about who you want to play with you. If you want you can also add the 'Inspector' character as a player as there are scripts provided for this person as well.

Once you have chosen a game, simply click to buy it and then download.

What Is Included In Your Download

Your download should include a ZIP file with which once un-zipped you should have the following folders and files.

  • Character Scripts
  • Inspector Script
  • Inspector Audio Files
  • Instructions
  • Timetable
  • Invitation
  • Specific Suggestions For This Game – including menu ideas and recipes

How To Use The Game

Produce Invitations

Within the files downloaded is the 'Invitation' for you to print out and send to your guests. The invitation is double sided giving the information need for those participating in the game before they arrive. Once printed all you need to do is put the guests name on the front, and indicate which character they are playing, that way if they choose to dress up for the event they know what to look out for in the way of costume. (Please be aware that this file shows the invitation in Landscape view – you need to adjust your print settings accordingly).

Character Sheets

The Character Script pages are designed for double side printing, and should be printed then folded. If your printer does not have the facility to double side print, just print the 'even' pages and this will give your what you need, fold these in half and write the character name and round number on each.

The Inspector

The Inspectors Script is contained in its own folder and should be printed out and folded as the Character Scripts.

Inside the Inspector folder is another called Audio which contains MP3's for use during the game. The audio is the same as the printed script of the Inspector giving details at each stage of the game.

The Solution

This is the last printed and audio file.

It is always worth having this script handy, even if using the video or audio files, you never know when there might be a power cut!

The solution should also be printed and folded and we recommend putting a paper clip over the loose edges of this one so that it does not inadvertently come open for anyone to read.

Making The Most Of Your Theme

Where and how you run your game can make a real difference to its feel. Think about the game – is it appropriate to sit around a table, or would a lounge be more conducive. If you are round a camp fire would it be better to have the chairs in a circle? Would a poster over the window help the setting i.e. snow covered mountains if you are in a ski lodge. Small alterations to your home or setting can make all the difference to the game.

Specific Suggestions For Each Game

Just in case you are at a loss we have provided a suggested menu for each game. Don't be rigid about the meal, it should be easy to produce and serve during the course of the game, so go with what you are comfortable with. Now is not the time to try new recipes (unless you know you can pull them off), go with something tried and tested. You are meant to enjoy the game as well as your guests.

Player Reviews

Having already played a game from this company, decided this one would be a little different as we were able to ask friends to a good old-fashioned afternoon tea. Love the Inspector - so dead pan. Hope to hear him again.
- Diana
An early 20th Century murder mystery. The plot and character parts were well thought out, giving the guests a lot to think about in trying to solve the murder. There seemed to be endless possible solutions, but a solution was deduced by a small number of the participants. Definitely intriguing enough to make me want to play the next game in the Myddlemoor saga which is promised by Guilty Party Games.
- Eric