Complete Character List
Listing for maximum number of players in alphabetical order. There are 8 required characters and 4 optional characters.
Optional characters can be used in any combination.

Al Mascarpone
The owner of the Imperial Hotel. A self-made man with a shady background. Dresses in smart suits and lots of jewellery. He oozes charm and money.
Ivor Torch
As the Night Manager, Ivor looks after the Hotel after hours. He dresses in dark suits, hats and dark glasses, even when indoors or at night.
Bill Due
The Accountant responsible for keeping the books straight at the Imperial. He is always dressed in a suit with his trusty briefcase and calculator.
Lotta Rooms
The owner of the rival Grand Hotel. She is smart, confident and is convinced of her own superiority. She is always well-dressed to show the world that she means business.
Wanda Limelight
Wands is the support act for the Headline Singer, Kat O'Wail. She always makes sure she looks glamorous in case she gets spotted by a talent scout.
Casey Wine
Casey is the Banqueting Manager at the Imperial. Dresses like a waiter but with a briefcase and a tray, just in case.
Cary Cases
Cary Cases works as a Porter at the Imperial Hotel. Always dressed in black & white trousers/skirt, shirt and waistcoat, Cary looks smart.
Hunter Ticket
Hunter is the Concierge, which means they are in charge of Customer Relations as well as the Porters. Hunter is always in a smart dark suit with a mobile phone and notepad at the ready.
Baby Blue Eyes
Baby Blue Eyes is a wealthy Entrepreneur from the city. Baby is always in a smart suit, dark glasses and cash falling out of every pocket.
Ali Pots
The Sous Chef at the Imperial Hotel, which means Ali is second-in-command of the kitchen. Although ambitious, Ali is held back by the Head Chef. Always seen in their chef outfit.
Reed Smallprint
Reed Smallprint is the Head Receptionist at the Imperial Hotel. Reed is always smart, with a notepad and pen handy to write down every need that a guest may have.