Complete Character List
Listing for maximum number of players. Smaller games do not include all characters.

Al Mascarpone
The owner of the Imperial Hotel. A self-made man with a shady background. Dresses in smart suits and lots of jewellery. He oozes charm and money.
Ivor Torch
The Night Manager and henchman of Al Mascarpone. He dresses in dark suits, dark hats and dark glasses, even when indoors or at night.
Lotta Rooms
The owner of the rival Grand Hotel. Lotta was born into the world of hotels. She is smart, confident, and has an air of superiority.
Wanda Limelight
Wanda is the support act for the Headline singer Kat O'Wail. She always makes sure she looks glamorous in case she gets spotted by a talent scout.
Ali Pots
The Sous Chef at the Imperial Hotel, which means they are second-in-command of the kitchen. Very ambitious but held back by the Head Chef.
Dusty Bin
The Head Housekeeper at the Imperial Hotel and in charge of the chamber-maids and making sure every room is perfect for the guests. Dresses smartly, but always has a duster and polish on hand, just in case.
Blair Out
The Audio/Visual Tech and DJ at the Imperial Hotel. Blair controls the sound and lighting for all the cabarets at the hotel and the occasional disco. Always dresses in a tracksuit, backwards baseball cap and chains.